
Paragraphs for iPhone and iPad

It’s FREE!

Write, organize and take notes for your texts and stories.


Welcome to Paphs

Paphs is an application designed to help you
to have a place
where you can jot down your ideas
in an organized way,
write and keep your work tidy.

Everything on hand

Text, leaf, comments, pictures and voice notes
all accessible immediately with just a few clicks.
Write your stories, the text will be easily divided into paragraphs,
format the single paragraph or the whole document.
Take notes and organize your ideas by topic, insert photos and voice notes,
add them to a single paragraph.
A single leaf can be linked to multiple paragraphs.
Add quickly notes to the paragraph.

Organize your text

The text is divided into numbered paragraphs
and can be formatted, moved or deleted.
Add empty paragraphs to be completed at a later stage,
insert immediately notes and Leaf.
Organize and reorder the text,
the paragraphs are numbered according to the order,
move them up or down, or move them to the bin.
Temporarily add empty paragraphs.
Export the document in different format.

Export your project

Use Paphs themes to format your project:

Export the formatted document with different formats:

Always updated

Paphs updates on all your iPhone and iPad devices.